For Trump's Inauguration: The New National Anthem of the USA!

At this moment, Donald Trump is being inaugurated as President of the United States for the second time. For this reason, the US national anthem is being changed. From now on, the following applies:

New Lyrics to sing along: (Lyrics by Oliver George Wallace)

When Der Fuehrer says, "We ist der master race"

We Heil! Heil! Right in Der Fuehrer's face

Not to love Der Fuehrer is a great disgrace

So we Heil! Heil! Right in Der Fuehrer's face

When Herr Elon says, "We own der world und space"

We Heil! Heil! Right in Herr Elon's face

When Herr Vance says they'll never bomb this place

We Heil! Heil! Right in Herr Vance's face

Ist we not the supermen

Aryan pure supermen

Ja we ist der supermen

Super-duper supermen

Ist this Nutzi land so good?

Would you leave it if you could?

Ja this Nutzi land is good!

Vee would leave it if we could

We bring the world to order

Heil Fuehrer's world New Order

Everyone of foreign race will love Der Fuehrer's face

When we bring to der world disorder.

When Der Fuehrer says, "We ist der master race"

We Heil! Heil! Right in Der Fuehrer's face.

Not to the love the Not to love Der Fuehrer is a great disgrace

So we Heil! Heil! Right in Der Fuehrer's face

When Der Fuehrer says, "We never will be slaves!"

We Heil! Heil! but still we work like slaves!

While der Fuehrer brags, and lies and rants and raves,

We Heil! Heil! And work into our graves!


The Surprising Controversy of 'From Roger Moore With Love' | New Documentary Review

This new documentary seems to have ruffled a few feathers in the James Bond fandom so I figured I'd give my take on things! Support the channel: https://www.patreon.com/calvindyson Also follow me on other social media: https://www.instagram.com/calvin_dyson https://www.facebook.com/calvinmdyson https://www.twitter.com/calvindyson https://letterboxd.com/calvindyson

View on YouTube.


FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE | Live Playthrough Single Player | Part 3

It's 20 years of From Russia With Love (the game)! Let's celebrate by having a playthrough and commenting constantly on how strange it is to hear old Sean Connery voice coming out of young Sean Connery face. Support the channel: https://www.patreon.com/calvindyson Also follow me on other social media: https://www.instagram.com/calvin_dyson https://www.facebook.com/calvinmdyson https://www.twitter.com/calvindyson https://letterboxd.com/calvindyson

View on YouTube.

The return to YouTube and what I've been up to

Produced by DutchBondFan
This episode features: The return to YouTube and what I've been up to

Additional Information:
► Patreon: https://patreon.com/dutchbondfan
► Facebook: https://facebook.com/dutchbondfan
► Instagram: https://instagram.com/dutchbondfan

For more information or to watch the video on YouTube, click here!


FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE | Live Playthrough Single Player | Part 2

It's 20 years of From Russia With Love (the game)! Let's celebrate by having a playthrough and commenting constantly on how strange it is to hear old Sean Connery voice coming out of young Sean Connery face. Support the channel: https://www.patreon.com/calvindyson Also follow me on other social media: https://www.instagram.com/calvin_dyson https://www.facebook.com/calvinmdyson https://www.twitter.com/calvindyson https://letterboxd.com/calvindyson

View on YouTube.


facebook requiem - Socialize the Social Network! | ZDF Magazin Royale

Enteignet Facebook ❤️👊😉


Expropriez Facebook 🤳

🇳🇱 Facebook onteigenen! 🇳🇱

💪🏽 Desprivatizar Facebook!!!

🇬🇷 Απαλλοτρίωσε το facebook 🇬🇷

Экспроприируй Фэйсбук! 🪆


Wywłaszczaj Facebooka!!! Wywłaszczaj Meta!!! 

🇯🇵 フェイスブックを規制しろ! 🇯🇵


Com-mi-nu-i-te Face-book! 

Per-di-te Whats-app! 

Pub-li-ca-te In-sta-gram! 

Mo-de-ra-te Me-ta! 

comminuite! perdite! publicate! moderate! Facebook! 

tollite! tollite! tollite!

Smash and break up fucking Facebook!

For the sake of humankind!

Regulate and then put Meta

Into public ownership!

Expropriate and split up Facebook!

Put it under state control! 

Socialize the Social Network!

For the sake of all!

Smash and break up fucking Facebook!

For the sake of humankind!

Regulate and then put Meta

Into public ownership!

Expropriate and split up Facebook!

Put it under state control! 

Socialize the Social Network!

For the sake of all!

Smash and break up fucking Facebook!

For the sake of humankind!

Regulate and then put Meta

Into public ownership!

Expropriate and split up Facebook!

Put it under state control! 

Socialize the Social Network!

For the sake of all!


James Bond in 2025 | A Status Update

Could 2025 finally be the year we hear SOMETHING regarding the future of the cinematic series? Jeff Kleeman Interview: https://www.spyhards.com/e/spymaster-interview-71-jeff-kleeman/ Support the channel: https://www.patreon.com/calvindyson Also follow me on other social media: https://www.instagram.com/calvin_dyson https://www.facebook.com/calvinmdyson https://www.twitter.com/calvindyson https://letterboxd.com/calvindyson

View on YouTube.